NY: Bill O’Reilly – Gun Owners Compared To Sex Offenders

Former New York City mayoral candidate and author Mark Green advocated for new legislation that would allow people to identify and locate gun owners who lived in their neighborhoods. He compared it to the already existing “Megan’s Law,” which lets citizens know if a convicted sex offender lives near them. Then he flat-out compared sex offenders to gun owners.

“If we have a Megan’s Law — because I think almost everyone might agree — that if you’re a convicted child molester, a neighbor might want to know that because they’re in your home, safe, but maybe they could hurt someone else,” Green said, adding ” Same thing with guns.” Youtube Video

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I’m curious as to how many children have been killed by accidental usage of legal guns of registered gun owners as to how many children have been killed by registered sex offenders.

Can we all admit something…there are monsters among us. It sickens me that someone caught drunk and urinating in public is put in the same category as sick monsters like John Gardner and John Couey. In the same way, it sickens me that someone who has a registered gun used to hunt is now being put in the same category as Adam Lanza.

I remember the Megan’s Law registry proposal and the controversy surrounding it in the very beginning. People really had a problem with the can of worms it could open, such as allowing this kind of treatment to those done with prison and treatment.. and how punishing people further might eventually lead to creating registeries for everyone convicted of any time of crime, and even further.

Now it has happened.

GPS bracelets for just the worst of the worst right? Well, in parts of Texas now kids who are late for school get GPS bracelets for 6 months. When we ignore the rights of one perceived group of people… we open ourselves to treating everyone the same way.

Now it has become acceptable to hundreds of thousands of people to have a gun ownership register. (I presume that because i don’t see comments on news stories about the matter from the same people.. and i have taken several statistics classes and going based on more or less educated guestimation).

So why people might be suprised.. they are those who have had blinders on or trusted too much that Government can really do the right thing. It’s time to put things back the way they were, put the registery back into the hands of law enorcement and special other organizations. If a person wants to know if someone is on the registery or not, they file a request to law enforcement. They used to collect a fee, which funded the registry also. Instead, look what has happened and look how much does it cost the taxpayers? Does it really protect anyone?

One day, we will have registries, private or government operated for every last group of people, crime or situation. Most will eventually be extortion websites like Offendex.com, Mugshots.com, et cetera.

The best part is, that sleazy websites now exist that let people harass woman online anonymously and force the woman to pay to be removed from the site. It’s a great business model that used to be shunned and shut down. Now, we assume they are okay. They are absolutely NOT okay and it’s time to shut them down. If the government will not do it, it isn’t too hard to physically reach the owners of the websites. I know the identities of those behind those websites and i will start a massive campaign to ensure those victimized have the opportunity to know who’s doing it to them. It is time we also go after the media, politicians that enable the agenda of those who purposely errode the civil rights of everyone for monetary or other personal gain. They are the true preditors. The problem gets worse quickly when we don’t make an example out of thsoe people who do this. That’s my opinion.

And now NYC’s lawful gun owners have been exposed courtesy of some a-holes at Gawker.

‘OK, OK, OK. Not (repeat) NOT the the issue.
Sure, they can bloviate about guns…and guns will still kill people.
Firearms are registered to help control murder. Find the gun, find the killer.
“The gun was stolen.”..”It was an accident.”..”My wife went crazy and shot me.”

The owners of registered guns are not subject to the kind of hysterical nonsense that registered ex-offenders endure. Just as the law-abiding, responsible, mature gun owner is the least likely individual to commit a gun related crime, the registered ex-offender is the least likely person to commit another offense. Why does the law not realize this?

The hystericals do not accept truth (or facts) and when the lights finally do go on, they jump into denial. The resulting assaults on our civil liberties and protections against power run-amok are a vicious attack on all Americans who respect, support and uphold the law. It it this politic of fear-mongering that has driven our nation into the current abyss. You can see it on many fronts, and it is a deep American tragedy from which we will not soon emerge.

This man is offensive. Especially in his comparison of anyone labeled a “sex offender” to a child molester. It’s unfortunate that there are men like this one in position’s of influence and power.